Spotlight: Normal misconduct in the prescription opioid supply chain Jacqueline JagoJuly 15, 2022Spotlight
Spotlight: Building and testing necessity theories in supply chain management Jacqueline JagoJune 17, 2022Spotlight
Spotlight: It's nothing personal, or is it? Exploring the competitive implications of relational multiplexity in supply chains Jacqueline JagoJune 3, 2022Spotlight
Spotlight: A theoretical model on how firms can leverage political resources to align with supply chain strategy for competitive advantage Jacqueline JagoMay 6, 2022Spotlight
Spotlight: Buyer abusive behavior and supplier welfare: An empirical study of truck owner–operators Jacqueline JagoApril 22, 2022Spotlight
Spotlight: A consumer perspective on managing the consequences of chain liability Jacqueline JagoFebruary 11, 2022Spotlight
Spotlight: Tragedy of the facilitated commons: A multiple-case study of failure in systematic horizontal logistics collaboration Jacqueline JagoFebruary 4, 2022Spotlight
Spotlight: Fostering SME supplier-enabled innovation in the supply chain: The role of innovation policy Jacqueline JagoOctober 29, 2021Spotlight
Spotlight: “Driving cooperative action: A multi-method study of the temporal duration of unilateral commitments” Jacqueline JagoSeptember 10, 2021Spotlight
Spotlight: Mending fences in a buyer–supplier relationship: The role of justice in relationship restoration Jacqueline JagoSeptember 3, 2021Spotlight
Spotlight:Introducing synchromodality: One missing link between transportation and supply chain management Jacqueline JagoAugust 13, 2021Spotlight
Spotlight: Trust Violations in Buyer-Supplier Relationships: Spillovers and the Contingent Role of Governance Structures Jacqueline JagoJuly 9, 2021Spotlight
Spotlight: Order from Chaos: A Meta‐analysis of Supply Chain Complexity and Firm Performance Jacqueline JagoMay 14, 2021Spotlight
Spotlight:Asset Ownership & Incentives to Undertake Non‐Contractible Actions: The Case of Trucking Jacqueline JagoMay 7, 2021Spotlight
Spotlight: Building Novel Supply Chain Theory Using “Metaphorical Imagination” Jacqueline JagoMarch 26, 2021Spotlight
Spotlight: I Wasn’t Expecting That! The Relational Impact of Negotiation Strategy Expectation Violations Jacqueline JagoDecember 11, 2020Spotlight
Spotlight: Discontinuous wefts: Weaving a more interconnected supply chain management tapestry Jacqueline JagoNovember 27, 2020Spotlight
Spotlight: Towards Worker-Driven Supply Chain Governance: Developing Decent Work Through Democratic Worker Participation Jacqueline JagoNovember 13, 2020EDI4, EDI, Spotlight