The impact of research in Journal of Supply Chain Management
It is journal ranking season again. We at JSCM know that impact factors, cite scores, and the like are poor proxies of a journal’s quality let alone the impact of any one article. However, we also know that authors need this information to make informed choices when choosing where to submit their research.
Therefore we are pleased to inform you that JSCM’s ISI impact factor for 2017 is 6.105 (2016: 5.789) in the just released Thomson-Reuters’ 2017 Impact Factors. This places JSCM 7th among 209 management journals and first in operations and supply chain management. This along with the recently released CiteScore metrics where JSCM was in the top 1% of all Business and Management journals, is continued evidence of the impact of research published in the Journal as well as the wider field of OSCM.
These results are a reflection of the quality of research being done in the OSCM community as well as JSCM’s exceptional AEs, ERB members and reviewers. Articles in JSCM have this impact because AE’s like Professor Martin Spring (shown below receiving his best AE for 2017 award at the recent EUROMA meeting) work with reviewers to help authors to develop their initial submissions into the best papers possible.
Professor Martin Spring receiving his best AE award from Editor in Chief Professor Mark Pagell
In addition, the OSCM community is working hard at making sure our collective impact continues. For instance, events like the recent joint workshop we did in Shanghai with the editors of other OSCM journals including JPSM, IJOPM, JBL and JOM are helping to develop researchers in new places and expanding the field’s impact globally.
Participants, Presenters and our Editor in Chief Professor Barbara B Flynn at the recent publishing workshop in Shanghai
Thank you for continuing to support the Journal and keep an eye on our weekly spotlight for a full report from Shanghai and an interview with Martin Spring on being an AE.
From the Editors