Publishing in International Journals Workshop
The publishing in International Journals workshop held at CEIBS in Shanghai on June 17, 2018 was a great success; jointly hosted by JSCM, Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, International Journal of Operations and Production Management, and Journal of Business Logistics.
Professor Damien Power, our Asia Pacific Author had some key advice for prospective authors concerning "Do's" and "Don'ts" to keep in mind when submitting to International Journals.
We also had some presentations from Professor Steven Carnovale (associate editor of Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management) talking about standards for data re-use and Professor Christina Wong (associate editor of International Journal of Operations and Production Management) talking about key points to include in a discussion of implications for practice, when writing a manuscript.
Keep an eye out for the presentations from Professor Steven Carnovale and Professor Christina Wong which we will feature very soon
Professor Barbara B. Flynn, Editor in Chief of JSCM along with joint hosts and participants of the Workshop
Professor Barbara B Flynn and Asia Pacific Editor of JSCM Professor Damien Power