Prof. Mark Pagell sits down with Prof. Robert Klassen to discuss which of his previous publications he would like to see replicated
Citations: Pagell, M., Johnston, D., Veltri, A., Klassen, R. and Biehl, M., 2014. Is safe production an oxymoron?. Production and Operations Management, 23(7), pp.1161-1175.
Pagell, M., Klassen, R., Johnston, D., Shevchenko, A. and Sharma, S., 2015. Are safety and operational effectiveness contradictory requirements: The roles of routines and relational coordination. Journal of Operations Management, 36, pp.1-14.
Pagell, M., Parkinson, M., Veltri, A., Gray, J., Wiengarten, F., Louis, M. and Fynes, B., 2020. The tension between worker safety and organization survival. Management Science, 66(10), pp.4863-4878.