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JSCM at AOM 2021

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The 81st AOM is running from the 29th of July to the 5th of August, all sessions are online this year and can be accessed through here:
The Journal of Supply Chain Management (JSCM) Awards Presentation is on Monday the 2nd of Aug at 10:30 EST (session 853), during this session we will present the following awards:
-Best AE and reviewers
 -Best papers

We will also introduce our new co-editors, share a calendar of upcoming events, and discuss our current EDI on decent work in supply chains, our next EDI on Leveraging Multiple Types of Resources within the Supply Chain Network for Competitive Advantage , and our upcoming project to encourage more replication studies in the SCM discipline via the use of registered reports Our meeting will run in a Town Hall format and the Editors in Chief will be available to chat with anyone about any feedback, issues or concerns. 

Jacqueline Jago