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Virtual Methods Series: A Discussion of Causal Modeling Strategies including the Difference-in-Difference (DiD) technique

The Journal of Supply Chain Management is pleased to announce the continuation of its virtual seminar workshops. The broad goal of these sessions is twofold: a) to encourage participants to think about new methodological approaches and research questions, and, b) to provide them with a forum to discuss their experiences or concerns related to these methodological topics with subject matter experts.

On July 21 from 11:30 EST to 1:00 PM EST, Professors John Gray (The Ohio State University) and Sachin Modi (Wayne State University) will co-host a virtual workshop on two statistical techniques that are increasingly being used to investigate causal relationships using observational data. The primary technique that will be discussed will be difference-in-difference (DiD) modeling.  DiD models are used by researchers to study the impact of some plausibly exogenous event that affects a “treatment group” but does not affect a “control group.”  Another technique that will briefly be discussed is regression discontinuity. Professors Gray and Modi will provide an overview on how these techniques are used and offer some suggestions on how to start using them to investigate supply chain research questions.
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Professor John Gray is a Professor of Operations at The Ohio State University. He received his PhD from the University of North Carolina.   Dr. Gray teaches courses on data analysis and global sourcing. Professor Gray serves as a department editor for the Journal of Operations Management’s Public Policy Department and a senior editor for Production and Operations Management’s Industry Studies and Public Policy Department.

Dr. Sachin Modi is a Professor of Global Supply Chain Management at Wayne State University.  He received his PhD from Indiana University.   Dr. Modi teaches supply chain analytics, sourcing, and operations management courses.  He serves on the editorial review boards of several journals and as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Operations Management.

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