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JSCM Download Data 2020


JSCM is proud to be considered a high impact journal. Impact has traditionally been measured as citations. But with advances in IT we can measure impact in other ways; including downloads. Our publisher, Wiley, now shares information on the most downloaded articles in its journals.
We are providing this data based on what we have access to - which is Wiley's systems.  We don't have information on downloads from University Repositories, Research Gate, SSRn and the like. Please let us know if this information is useful and if there is other information we might be able to provide. 

Total downloads in 2020 were 182,250 an increase of 15,510 over our 2019 downloads.
Average article had 215 downloads in 2020
Average article published in the last 3 years (2018-20) had 527 downloads in 2020
Average article published in 2020 had 520 downloads in 2020

As we can see from the data below, some of our most recent papers were among our top 25 downloads in 2020, this is rewarding to see, and we have previously featured the authors in our Spotlight series; which highlights the research behind the papers.

Unraveling the Dimensions of Supplier Involvement and their Effects on NPD Performance: A Meta‐Analysis

Re‐imagining supply chain challenges through critical engaged research

A Meta‐Analytic Review of Supply Chain Risk Management: Assessing Buffering and Bridging Strategies and Firm Performance

Interorganizational Interaction in Disaster Response Networks: A Government Perspective

Jacqueline Jago2020, statistics