JSCM Workshop: 21st September São Paulo
The editors of the Journal of Supply Chain Management will be hosting a one-day workshop in São Paulo, Brazil on publishing in English language operations and supply chain journals, along with the editors of several other journals. The goal is to help prospective authors develop a better understanding of how to prepare their manuscripts for submission to international journals and improve their success rate.
The Full Schedule is downloadable here: Brazil Schedule
Topics will include:
How to position a paper and develop a compelling research question
Establishment of a strong theoretical foundation and using it to guide the development of a research project
Acceptable and unacceptable research practices
What constitutes making a contribution
Tips for native Portuguese speakers for writing a paper for an English language journal and practices to avoid
How to develop effective implications for managers?
How to avoid having a manuscript desk rejected
Selection of a target journal
Tips from successful Brazilian authors
What are the editors of each of the sponsoring journals looking for?
The workshop will be held in São Paulo on the campus of Fundacão Getúlio Vargas on September 21, 2019, from 900 until 1700. We hope that you will be able to join us and that you pass this announcement along to any of your colleagues or students who may be interested.
In addition to JSCM, the other journals participating are the Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (Wendy Tate) and International Journal of Operations and Production Management (Martin Schlepper). JSCM is hosting the workshop, but we are very excited and thankful for the contributions from the representatives of the other journals, as well.
In addition to sessions on how to prepare various parts of a manuscript, we are also including a session featuring Brazilian authors who have been successful publishing in international journals and a session on writing tips for Brazilian authors. The lunch will be a working lunch where participants have the opportunity to make a 2-3 minute “elevator” speech about a research project to a small group and receive feedback on it.