Spotlight: The Importance of Reviewers at JSCM
Example of a Reviewers personal dashboard on Publon. Pic credit: Publon
This week’s spotlight is about JSCM adding Publons to help recognize the crucial role reviewers play in JSCM’s success.
JSCM has long advocated developmental reviews as a means of helping authors to improve their work even if it will not be published in JSCM (Carter and Ellram, 2010). And we, along with some other top journals (e.g. Ragins, 2017), remain vocal in our expectation for developmental reviews. However, as editors we know that reviewing well, is a great deal of work. We also know that the profession generally does not do a very good job recognizing when reviewing is done, let the work involved in a high quality developmental review.
To try and recognize this work we have given out best reviewer awards, hosted reviewing workshops where our best reviewers help present, and sent thank-you notes not only to reviewers who do excellent work but their Deans.
Now we are adding one more tool that can helps to capture reviewers’ work. JSCM, like many other journals has started using Publons. The primary service Publons provides is producing “a verified record of a person's review and editorial activity for journals. This evidence is showcased on reviewers' online profiles and can be downloaded to include in CVs, funding and job applications, and promotion and performance evaluations.” Publons is part of the Clarivate Analytics family and also partners with our publisher Wiley:
We know this is a small token for a very large job. But hopefully tools like Publons will make it easier to capture the amount of work many of you do in supporting the profession.