2019 Emerging Discourse Incubator: Research at the Intersection of Supply Chain Management and Public Policy and Government Regulation
Editor in Chief Brian Fugate
Editor in Chief, Brian Fugate introduces our second Emerging Discourse Incubator. The topic for JSCM's second emerging discourse incubator (EDI) is research that focuses on the intersection of supply chain management (SCM) and public policy and government regulation (PPGR). PPGR encompasses the laws, regulations, and government and regulatory agencies’ actions. The aim is to incubate a discourse with major schools of thought in political economy that have been largely unexplored in our discipline.
The full details can be accessed here: 2019 EDI
June 2018: Initial call for submissions
June 2018 - December 2019: Submissions to EDI, as well as regular submissions, are welcomed and will be processed upon submission.
January 2019: Invited papers are expected to appear online to initiate the discourse.
January 2019 - December 2019: Papers related to the EDI will be published online as they are accepted.
Please direct queries to any of JSCMs co-editors: Mark Pagell (mark.pagell@ucd.ie), Brian Fugate (bfugate@walton.uark.edu), or Barbara Flynn (bbflynn@iu.edu).
Below are some helpful links related to what an EDI is and a note from our Co-Editors discussing our previous EDI.
From the Editors—Introducing JSCM's First Emerging Discourse Incubatlor for 2018/19