
Journal Statistics

JSCM and Impact Factors

Impact factors are terribly flawed, but of great importance to most researchers. We know that the correspondence between the quality of any one article and the journal in which it appeared, is very far from perfect. But we also know that many decisions regarding hiring, promotion, funding, and performance appraisal depend on this flawed metric. JSCM alone cannot change this, but we can contribute to being more transparent about how impact factors were arrived at. 

Hence, here is a bit more information – from Wiley JSCM’s publisher -  on how JSCM’s impact factor of 7.125 for 2018 was arrived at. The table shows the 10 articles that contributed the most to the impact factor. The figures provide information on self-citations and indicate that JSCM’s self-citation rate was 8.4% which is less than the category (Management) average of 13% or the average of the journals Wiley deems JSCM’s competitors of 25.4%. Those competitor journals were JBL, IJPDLM, POM, JOM, IJOPM, DSJ and IJPR and they had self-citation rates that ranged from less than 5% to almost 45%. 

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