
Journal Statistics

JSCM Downloads

JSCMs papers published in 2018 download history (January 1, 2018 until March 30 2019)

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While it’s only half way through the year we are looking back at some of our recently published papers, please remember this is only an indication and full download numbers will not be available until the end of 2019

From the data below we can see
Total number of downloads of JSCMs 2018 published papers from was 23451
Median of total downloads of our 2018 published papers within those months was 1084,
Standard Deviation of downloads of our 2018 published papers within those months was: 1065.95

Another series of data we can look at is the authors whose articles have generated the most downloads for a journal in the 12 months following online publication (2017/2018)

We are providing this data based on what we have access to - which is Wiley's systems.  We don't have information on downloads from University Repositories, Research Gate, SSRn and the like. Please let us know if this information is useful and if there is other information we might be able to provide.