
Call for papers

Call for Papers: EDI 2022: Radical innovations and extreme disruptions: How could a firm thrive from the co-evolution of the two?

Radical innovations and extreme disruptions: How could a firm thrive from the co-evolution of the two?

“Upon disaster depends good fortune;

within good fortune hides disaster.”

― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching, a Chinese classic text traditionally credited to the 6th-century BC sage Laozi”

The topic for JSCM's sixth emerging discourse incubator (EDI) is to explore innovation-disruption mutual-causality by bridging the supply chain innovation and disruption literatures. To compete today, companies often resort to radical innovations in products, processes, services, profit models, supply chain configurations, and more (Bellamy, Dhanorkar, & Subramanian, 2020). At the same time, extreme turbulence caused by natural disasters and man-made disruptions pushes firms to build resilient supply chains (Sodhi & Tang, 2020). Both radical innovations and extreme disruptions, create a high level of uncertainty. Hence, these two seemingly opposite forces drive organizations and individuals to constantly evolve, adapt and improve in order to survive and thrive (Ketchen Jr & Craighead, 2021; Wieland, 2020).

The full details can be accessed here: EDI 2022

 May 2022: Initial call for submissions

 January 2023: Invited papers and Co-Editors’ introduction of the invited papers is expected to appear online in order to initiate the discourse

 January 2023-January 2024: Submission window for regular submissions

All submissions are expected to contribute to theory; we envisage that exploring the innovation-disruption mutual-causality will offer rich opportunities to elaborate on existing theory or build new theory. At a minimum, by expanding research to consider post-disruption innovations or post-innovation disruptions, all submissions should explicate boundary conditions, laying a foundation for further theoretical development. For any questions, please contact Tingting Yan,, Wendy Tate,, and Mark Pagell,